LaLiga Teams up with MoviStar to Block IPTV Services

The world-renowned futbol league LaLiga has teamed up with MoviStar to block IPTV Services after a court ruling in Barcelona.

As reported by TorrentFreak, the media giants will work together to combat piracy by blocking URLs, domains, and IP Addresses.

We want to know what you think of these blocking orders that will be enforced. Let us know in the comment section below!

Movistar is owned by Telefonica which is one of the largest media companies in the world.

Working with LaLiga, the two look to combat piracy by blocking access to illegal streams of various sporting events.

LaLiga has been a heavy player in the anti-piracy landscape by assisting law enforcement in the past.

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However, this latest court judgment will grant Telofonica more reach in the ability to block pirate IPTV Services and various streaming sites.

Because IPTV Providers and subscribers are continually changing URLs and IP Addresses, they are oftentimes difficult to track down.

LaLiga and Movistar would typically have to get a court order every time they wanted to block specific IP Addresses and domains.

But the Commercial Court 9 of Barcelona has drastically changed the need for this after the latest court ruling.

Instead of continually coming back to the court for blocking orders, LaLiga can now enforce these blockades on a weekly basis.

This means that these companies can instantly block access to pirate services without a specific court order for each separate case.

In addition, Movistar won a separate lawsuit that will assist in restricting various IPTV Providers and Services.

Because Movistar will need assistance from ISPs to block, they asked the court to allow them to share IP Addresses providing unauthorized streams with other Internet Service Providers.

The Mercantile Court Number 6 of Barcelona agreed to this manner that will grant them the ability to continuously provide blocking instructions to local ISPs.

According to Telefonica, the blockade must be carried out within a maximum period of three hours from the notification of new list.

This is a huge win for both LaLiga and Movistar who have been targeting IPTV Services and illegal streams for years.

Overall, it will be interesting to see if this opens the door for more IP blocking in the future.

What do you think of these court rulings for LaLiga & Movistar? Let us know in the comments below!

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