Bethenny Frankel Says She’s NOT Suing ‘Toxic’ Bravo Despite ‘Reality Reckoning’

(Photo by Cindy Ord/Getty Images for Skinnygirl Jeans)

Bethenny Frankel’s attempt at a reality TV reckoning continues. She’s been making some significant strides. Bravo recently released a policy change regarding reality stars’ safety and well-being. Still, Bethenny’s received plenty of criticism, especially for profiting from Real Housewives of New York for so long. So, she decided to set the record straight.

Bravo’s “toxic environment designed for ratings”

Bethenny posted three slides of text to her Instagram discussing her current standing with Bravo. She explained she’d been “reflecting,” perhaps in the face of recent criticism. She explained how modern media tends to twist things. In removing herself and others from the cameras, she’s seen reality.

She wrote, “Conflict and judgment sells reality tv. It’s a phenomenon featuring women I have pretended to know within a system designed for judgment and conflict. I didn’t know these women at all. I’ve now spent time with and understand many of them – absent of cameras.”

She further explained how she met many women on set, women whom she “adored.” However, upon meeting them for filming, she “began to strongly dislike many of them. Have they changed? Or is it the toxic environment designed for ratings?” To explain such behavior, she explained, “In reality tv, you must kill or be killed.”

Bethenny attempts some self-awareness

She explained the exploitation further by saying, “To not get dirty is to get fired. Someone is winning and someone is losing.” Bethenny reflected on her own experience: “I was good at the game so what does that say about me? … This medium preys on and profits from the emotionally flawed and damaged.”

Commenting on those who say “We signed up for this,” Bethenny argued that she had no idea what she was getting into. However, even if she did, she admitted she “would do it again to not be broke and afraid.” In the post’s caption, she clarified, “I was scared & desperate and that is what is exploited in all of us.”

She also argued against those who would suggest she’s “biting the hand that fed” her. “Perhaps, but maybe that hand deserves to be bitten … We get filthy and they get filthy rich.”

Bethenny isn’t suing Bravo – but lawsuits will come

On her last slide, Bethenny addressed the recent changes that Bravo announced to their on-set safety measures. “A letter about an on set psychologist and a reduction of alcohol consumption is a nice step, but won’t suffice.” She implied that stars and production need to move away from aspects “designed to tear each other down.”

With further self-awareness, Bethenny recognized her part in the reality TV machine, and apologized “to people I have judged and criticized.” She declared this was not just an industry reckoning, “but one within myself.” Bethenny also highlighted the example she wanted to set for her daughter.

And to set the record straight, she said plainly, “I have not hired lawyers nor am I suing.” She called those assertions “facts misrepresented by the press. I have directed wronged talent and production members to legal representation and am fighting for systemic change in a damaged institution.”


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