Clayton Echard Gives Paternity Test Update On Result Timeline

Bachelor Clayton Echard just gave another paternity test update for fans who have been following this interesting case. Right now it is a he said, she said case until the results of the DNA test are processed. Clayton has been pretty outspoken about the allegations against him. He went to Instagram Stories to share another update with fans. Keep reading to find out more.

Bachelor Clayton Echard shares another paternity test update

Bachelor Clayton Echard went to Instagram to share another important update about the paternity allegations against him. He addressed the camera and said that he wanted to share an update for those following along at home. He went on to say that he took his part of the paternity test last week.

Clayton then shared that the woman making the claims completed her part of the paternity test on Tuesday morning. He then went on to reveal that the results will be available on Monday or Tuesday of next week. This will be the week of October 9.

His exact words were, “Hey guys! OK, so for those that are playing along at home, I want to give you all an update as, again, I feel like I’m talking you all through this. I want to be as transparent as possible. I did my portion of the paternity test last week.” He continued, “I was just informed that the other individual took their test this morning.”


Clayton also said that when he knows the results he will share them with all of his followers. He also stated that the results will either reveal he is the father, he is not the father or it could be inconclusive. If it is inconclusive it means there was not enough fetal DNA to get a positive answer.

He said, “If there’s little to no fetal DNA present, then that would lead to an inconclusive test.” Clayton concluded by saying, “So, other than that, I have an injunction against harassment hearing on Monday. But again, the results for the test itself should come back Monday or Tuesday. And, of course, I will let you all know the second I find out.”

The claims made against him

What all started the paternity tests for Clayton Echard? A woman who chose to remain anonymous came forward and filed court documents claiming that Clayton is the father of her twin babies she is currently pregnant with.

According to Clayton, he had no sexual relations with this woman. She filed a claim to first of all mandate that he take the paternity test and secondly to make sure there is support for the babies should be he proven to be the father.

Clayton has already noted that he wants nothing to do with her or the babies. In fact, she claims that he wanted her to get an abortion.

She refused and maintained she continues to try and do right by her children.

What do you think about this case?

Stay tuned for more updates.

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