TV Ratings: Magnum P.I. Returns Up; Sullivan’s Crossing & The Spencer Sisters Premiere Well

It was a relatively busy night for the broadcast networks, featuring several premieres.

We’ll start with Magnum P.I.

The canceled drama returned with 3.5 million viewers and a 0.3 rating.

The series is up a bit in the demo and total viewers vs. its April midseason finale, and with word-of-mouth strong, there’s a good chance the series can grow from here.

What a difference a decent timeslot makes, am I right?

Quantum Leap Season 2 kicked off earlier in the night at 2.9 million viewers and a 0.3 rating in the demo.

The time-traveling drama reached its best total viewer tally since its series premiere in September 2022.

Related: Magnum P.I. Was Destined for Success on NBC, so Why Did NBC Fail It?

The demo tally is on par with its freshman average, so maybe this move to the earlier timeslot could secure the show’s future.

Over on The CW, the series premieres of Sullivan’s Crossing and The Spencer Sisters each netted 500,000 viewers and a 0.1 rating.

Given that both shows are imports from Canada, expectations are lower, and both shows are outperforming The Swarm, The Chosen, and the network’s comedy imports.

The true test will be how they hold up in the coming weeks, but this is a positive start for both series.

Over on CBS, Survivor was harmed by increased competition.

The reality TV hit eased to 4.7 million viewers and a 0.7 rating, but those numbers were still enough to lead the night.

The Amazing Race followed at 2.7 million viewers and a 0.4 rating).

ABC’s game show line-up also took a hit with Celebrity Jeopardy! (3.6 million/0.4 rating), Celebrity Wheel of Fortune (3.2 million/0.3 rating), and The $100,000 Pyramid (2.9 million/0.3 rating) all down.

Related: The Cleaning Lady Season 3: Everything We Know

Over on FOX, The Masked Singer had 3.3 million viewers and a 0.5 rating, while Snake Oil continued with 1.9 million viewers and a 0.3 rating).

Seeing a busy broadcast TV schedule is excellent, and we can only hope more of our favorite shows will be on the air soon.

What are your thoughts on Magnum P.I. and Quantum Leap’s numbers in their new slots?

Can Sullivan’s Crossing and The Spencer Sisters hold up next week?

Hit the comments.

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