Full house for The Block Open Inspection

The Block is holding its first Open For Inspection on Sunday October 15 in 4 years -and the event is already exhausted of free tix for the public.

No Open for Inspections have been held since 2019 largely due to the pandemic.

Executive Producer Julian Cress recently told TV Tonight, “It’s one of the highlights of my year and it certainly is for the contestants. The opportunity to meet the fans of the show, face to face, especially the kids.

“Let’s say when we do an Open Day, the people who come are parents dragged along by their children, and the children have been watching the show for 10 weeks. They get dressed up as their favourite character and these are people who are off the street themselves. They’ve only been celebrities for a few weeks. But they get to spend one day being rockstars.

“I love watching it, they love doing it and we’d love to deliver it again this year.”