Tristan Thompson: Ex’s Sis Says He Doesn’t Pay Child Support

During the second episode of The Kardashians Season 4, Kim Kardashian talked about how she felt about Tristan Thompson. However, this prompted his ex’s sister to come forward and speak on the differences in how Tristan treats each of his children. She claims he doesn’t even pay child support to Jordan Craig.

Opinion About Tristan Thompson

During The Kardashians episode, Kim Kardashian talked about Tristan Thompson openly. She recognized saying, “I know guys are gonna hate me for this.” Continuing, “It’s so crazy because he’s such a good friend and he’s such a good like Dad, but he just couldn’t get it together in that area, of like being a faithful boyfriend.”

Admittedly, Kim said she wants to hate Thompson because he cheated on her sister Khloe. Additionally, she acknowledges that was “f–ked up.” Adding it was a source of several fights with him. “But he’s also shown so many decent things and just has been a really good person and friend. When he saw me struggling with my kids, he stepped up,” she elaborated. While Kim can see that Tristan Thompson has “grown and evolved,” that made Kai Craig decide to stand up.

Kim’s Statement Sets Jordan Craig’s Sister Off

Sadly, Kai Craig alludes to the fact he is more of a parent to kids who aren’t even his. Jordan Craig’s sister accused Tristan Thompson of neglecting his son, Prince. Specifically, she claims he is not paying child support. Watching the episode of The Kardashians, Kai Craig is very angry. This was after Kim Kardashian championed Tristan for stepping in and taking her kids to school and attending their extracurriculars.

Kai made a statement on Instagram in response. Kai posted, “It has been so hard to refrain from speaking up, and out of respect for my sister’s privacy. I haven’t for over 7 years, but this is just too much.” Continuing, “It’s so painful to see how Tristan can find the time to do these nice things for others but can’t seem to show up and be a real parent for my nephew Prince.” She explains, “The fact that he can take other children to school and activities in the same city, yet never sees or speaks to his own son, unless it’s for a party or planned photo opportunity, is appalling and inexcusable.”


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Tristan Thompson Isn’t Showing Equal Love

This isn’t the first complaint that the children aren’t receiving equal amounts of attention. Kai said, “@KimKardashian I don’t want to believe that you are this insensitive to the fact that he literally ignores his children. That’s nice if he’s been a good friend to you, but let’s consider our sisters before taking to global platforms to defend this man’s character.”


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Reportedly, Tristan Thompson is ordered to pay $40,000 per month, but Kai asserts he isn’t paying child support for Prince. “To set the record straight, the child support rumors are INACCURATE! Tristian has not paid that child support in a very long time and has stopped paying Prince’s school tuition,” Kai claimed. “He hasn’t even inquired where Prince goes to school now.”

Do you think it is true that Tristan Thompson isn’t paying child support? Are the claims that Theo and Prince received different treatment valid? Have you been watching The Kardashians Season 4? Tell us what you think in the comments.

The post Tristan Thompson: Ex’s Sis Says He Doesn’t Pay Child Support appeared first on TV Shows Ace.