All Rise Season 3 Episode 14 Review: We Are Family

The HOJ really acts like a tribe, and All Rise Season 3 Episode 14 showcased that family-like atmosphere at Lola’s birthday party.

We haven’t had a massive cast scene since Robin and Lola renewed their vows at the end of All Rise Season 2. Celebrations bring people together and show that these friends have become like family.

Lola tried to show that message to feuding Sushi chefs, where the owner was accused of poisoning the sous chef. It was complicated since there was so much affection and respect between the two men. Even when there isn’t blood, families are complex.

Robin was on a mission to make Lola’s birthday memorable and prove how well he knew his wife. The problem was getting Lola to leave the office.

Poor Mark tried everything, including asking her to stand up at his upcoming wedding.

Mark: I was going to ask if you’d be my best woman.
Lola: Seriously? I would be honored.

Permalink: Seriously? I would be honored.

Added: October 05, 2023

After not budging, it was funny that hearing that Robin confronted Andre was the thing that got Lola out the door.

It was even more amusing that Lola assumed it was a story Mark made up until she saw him whispering with her husband. Mark needs to become a better wingman for Robin.

Lola: I can always tell when you’re lying, which is why we can no longer play poker, Callan. Fess up.
Mark: He’s put so much work into this party. I promise you that it’s not a big deal.

Permalink: He’s put so much work into this party. I promise you that it’s not a big deal.

Added: October 05, 2023

Poor Robin. He thought Lola was hustling him into their bedroom for a birthday quickie to thank him, not interrogate him again.

I felt sorry for him after all his hard work.

Perhaps Robin should have told Lola he confronted Andre, but did she have to interrogate him at her party? He made a conscious effort to give her the birthday she wanted, and he’s trying to get their relationship on track.

Andre keeps texting her and won’t go away. I don’t blame Robin.

Robin: I’m protecting my family, and I’d do it again.
Lola: You’re right. I’m sorry. I probably would have done the same.

Permalink: You’re right. I’m sorry. I probably would have done the same.

Added: October 05, 2023

It was terrific seeing so many people show up to celebrate Lola, but a few key people were missing — her parents and Lisa Benner. When are we going to see Lola’s parents again?

Rachel was missing too, but Lola texted her, so hopefully, they reconcile by Amy and Mark’s wedding.

Mark became so distracted he sent the Save-the-Date to everyone at work. That was one of the best scenes at the party, with everyone saying they’d love to come and offering wedding planning advice.

Seeing the judges and attorneys relaxing and offering wedding planning tips was entertaining.

Hopefully, Mark does allow them to come because I want to see DA Bravo and Clayton Berger partying on a dance floor.

While wedding planning is stressful, having the entire tribe involved makes it more fun. I suspect that that wedding will be in the series finale since the planning has just begun, though I could be wrong.

All Rise Season 3 has been showcasing complicated cases with shades of grey, where there are no clear-cut winners, and the poisoning of a sushi sous chef was another example.

Paulo had worked as Hirato’s protege at Kimani Sushi for years and believed he would inherit the restaurant, but then Hirato’s daughter Yuma became a chef and the heir.

Watching the Food Network shows me how hard female chefs work to inherit the family business. Paulo seemed resigned to starting his own restaurant.

He thought they made peace when they exchanged their signature dishes, but then he became sick from blowfish poisoning.

Suspicions arose when Amy questioned if it was another type of fish since Hirato knew Paulo disliked blowfish.

Paulo: Chef, can we talk?
Yuma: After all he did for you? I hope you’re proud of yourself.

Permalink: After all he did for you? I hope you’re proud of yourself.

Added: October 05, 2023

This wasn’t a typical plaintiff versus defendant case since both parties respected each other. While Yuma was hurt that Paulo opened a restaurant nearby, she insisted her dad consider him like family.

Hirato would never risk their business for petty revenge.

Unfortunately, both DA Berger and Amy found the loophole in the case. Hirato had long COVID-19 a few years ago and still suffered from some symptoms.

That night, he prepared blowfish with his Fugu knife, and some could have been transferred to Paulo’s dish.

Yuma never wanted to betray her father, but his forgetfulness did affect his work. It was easy to understand why the jury was deadlocked.

It seemed like an unfortunate accident, not a malicious attack. I was surprised Lola didn’t declare a mistrial.

In the meantime, I think this is an opportune time to reflect on what makes a family. Some of the strongest bonds we have are not limited to those we share a bloodline. Our chosen family can be just as significant, if not more so.


Permalink: In the meantime, I think this is an opportune time to reflect on what makes a family. Some of…

Added: October 05, 2023

One of the main themes of All Rise Season 3 has been the importance of family and how these relationships are often chosen friends and not bloodlines.

That speech motivated Paulo to make the first step, and everyone was beaming as the two men embraced. I’m relieved that DDA Bravo officially dismissed the case, too.

The series was so apparent that they wanted Emily to consider motherhood from the minute they assigned her a case with a single mom struggling to get by.

Since she went into holistic law, Emily has tried to fix things for mothers and children.

However, her client stated that she didn’t have time for extra counseling while raising two children.

That was a shame since Mrs. Ellington seemed overwhelmed and angry since her husband died, but at least she had her priorities straight.

Mrs. Ellington: Do you have any kids?
Emily: No, I don’t
Mrs. Ellington: Well, when you do, you’ll understand. They shape your future and run your life.

Permalink: Well, when you do, you’ll understand. They shape your future and run your life.

Added: October 05, 2023

Emily seemed panicked at the thought of starting a family now, while Luke thought they’d have a large family someday.

Mark and Amy had a similar discussion about children in All Rise Season 3 Episode 2, where, just like Amy, Emily wants to focus on their relationship and her career.

Emily also didn’t have the best relationships before Luke, so she’s probably scared of what kind of role model she’d be for her child.

If she is pregnant, how will she and Luke weather this news, and how will it affect their relationship?

View Slideshow: TV’s Badass and Inspirational Women

To rewatch any of Emily’s holistic law cases, you can watch All Rise online.

Now it’s your turn, All Risers. What has been your favorite part of the final season? What would you like to see in the upcoming episodes?

Comment below.