‘Big Brother’ Twitter Fat Shames Matt Klotz For Weight Gain

Big Brother 25 star Matt Klotz is enjoying his time in the house. He is playing a great game and lucky for him he doesn’t know what is going on outside of the house. Twitter has been fat-shaming him for gaining weight since he came into the house.

Matt Klotz’s Weight Gain

Matt spoke out about his weight gain in the Big Brother 25 house. He revealed that he has gained about 15 lbs. of weight saying that he went from 185 lbs. to 200 lbs. He also said that he isn’t worried about it because he will lose it once he gets home. Matt is an Olympic swimmer and he knows how to work out. He doesn’t seem to have any worries that he can take the weight right back off.

BB twitter is really fat shaming an OLYMPIAN when more than half of y’all sit around watching live feeds till 3 AM with a bag of chips and a bottle of mountain dew #BB25 pic.twitter.com/0hceIzQNn8

— bread (@BreadChaIlenge) October 10, 2023

Big Brother Fans Go Wild On Twitter

A post has gone viral on Twitter showing Matt’s weight gain. The fans of the show are being awful toward Matt and fat-shaming him for the weight that he has put on. There isn’t a Reddit thread about it yet, surprisingly. Here is the post and what some of them have had to say.

is this real….. #bb25 pic.twitter.com/wxAB7XGiPd

— SANTINA UPDATES (@thatshadybbfan) October 10, 2023

most houseguests gain weight every season because they sit around doing nothing all day and eat out of boredom. It’s normal lol.

All that is so easy to burn off in a 2 weeks for him.

the angle’s adding another 2 chins goodbye swimming career

swimming career over af

Chile not you getting the middle aged white men angry ijbol

If Reilly was in that house she would have not let this man gain weight

Oh that’s so f***ing funny I was noticing this and I was like he’s getting chunkier in the face or something lol that’s so funny

He said something the other day about gaining a lot of weight often and then getting strict with his training to get in shape.

This is nasty and unnecessary. Y’all can hate the game and the fact that he likes Andrew Tate but this below the line rude

Some people think that this is taking it too far and have even told the Twitter user to delete it, but that hasn’t happened. It looks like this post and the shaming is staying up.

Are you shocked by how the Big Brother fans are acting on Twitter about Matt Klotz’s weight gain? Sound off in the comments below and don’t miss new episodes of Big Brother on CBS.

The post ‘Big Brother’ Twitter Fat Shames Matt Klotz For Weight Gain appeared first on TV Shows Ace.