‘Teen Mom’ Jenelle Evans’ Son Spotted With Barbara

Teen Mom star Jenelle Evans‘ son, Jace was just spotted out with her mother, Barbara. He had recently run away from Jenelle’s home for the third time. Yet, the mother of three claimed that she still had custody of all of her children and her mother was not involved. This is now apparently untrue. Read on for more details.

Teen Mom Jenelle Evans’ Son Spotted With Barbara

When Jace, 14, first ran away, his grandmother, Barbara spoke out. She believed that he had been taken off of his ADHD medications therefore that caused his rebellion. Of course, her daughter, Jenelle Evans said that her mother knew nothing and wanted her to stop talking to the press. Furthermore, she filed a protective order against Barbara. By the third time that Jace ran away, Barbara was allegedly spotted at the hospital where he was being checked out. He claimed that he had left the home because he had been assaulted by his stepfather, David Eason.

Ensley, Jace, Kaiser- Facebook

Immediately, Jenelle and David did damage control by putting out videos and statements, even photos. David shared pictures of him with Jace having a good time, showing that they truly did have fun together. Sadly, Jace apparently said that if he was sent home, he would leave again. This has been taken very seriously and he appears to still not be home. Now, a Twitter account has posted a photo of Jace and Barbara driving together in the car. They were stopped at a stoplight when someone snapped a pic.

Apparently this person saw Barbara and Jace at a stoplight today. pic.twitter.com/VE1dXSelrh

— Anon Hater (@_AnonHater_) October 11, 2023

Both former Teen Mom stars look very happy and Jace looks healthy, which is the most important thing. One follower noted that as well: “He looks so happy and healthy there. Glad he’s safe and sound.” Others were just so happy to see them together. “Genuine happiness from both of them. I love it. I hope Jace realizes how good he had it with Babs and tones down his behavior so they can be reunited permanently.”

What’s Next?

Jenelle Evans turned over custody of Jace to Barbara when he was a baby. She then waited until he was thirteen to officially get him back. It seems unlikely that she will let him go easily without a fight. However, as aforementioned, he apparently does not want to go home. So, it looks like they are checking out all of his options to see where he will thrive in the long run.

Are you shocked to see Jace reunited and happy with Barbara? Do you think he will stay with her or be sent home? Let us know in the comments below.

The post ‘Teen Mom’ Jenelle Evans’ Son Spotted With Barbara appeared first on TV Shows Ace.