‘MBFFL’ Glenn Thore Ashamed Of Jealous Whitney?

Glenn Thore suddenly seems to have realized that his daughter, Whitney Way Thore is disappointing. In fact, he verbalized that. This season on My Big Fat Fabulous Life, she doesn’t seem to have done herself any favors. Now that she competed aggressively with her niece, Jaime, TLC fabs slammed the larger-than-average reality TV star.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life Fans Feel Sorry For Glenn Thore

Since Babs passed away, her daughter, Whitney seems to treat her dad like an infant. She’s bossed him around and seems to enjoy belittling him all the time, and now she embarrassed him when they visited his other daughter’s family. TLC fans start feeling sorry for the older man because Babs died. However, they also feel sorry for him because Whitney wouldn’t even let him choose his clothes for the trip to Alabama.

Glenn Thore arranged a little doll’s house for his great-grandchild, and Whitney laid the guilt on about it. After all, she never had one. So, MBFFL critics hated that she seemed jealous of a kid. In a recent episode, she came over as aggressive and jealous of Jaime, her half-sister Angie’s daughter. After telling Jaime she didn’t “care” what she thought, she bleated about being the special kid who came out of her “mother’s womb.” To put it in perspective, she’s not eight. The MBFFL star was going on 40 years old when Season 11 was filmed.

Why is @whitneywaythore trying to control the family get together?? It’s not hers to control. #mybigfatfabulouslife #whitneywaythore

— ♡Jennifer♡ (@jpsabresfan78) October 12, 2023

Glenn Thore Disappointed By Whitney On MBFFL

The latest episode of My Big Fat Fabulous Life saw Hunter with his dad and his sister. There, she proceeded to compete in a line dance and hated that Angie’s family declared her dad the better dancer. Obviously, the new family humored the older man. But, they seem caring and kind. Actually, Jaime cuddled him, and it seems to have enraged Whitney. Aggressive, and competing for attention all the time, TLC fans thought she acted immaturely. Additionally, she completely embarrassed her dad and her brother Hunter.

Whitney competes with Jaime and Glenn Thore Is disappointed – My Big Fat Fabulous Life TLC – YouTube

Notably, Glenn Thore asked Whitney to speak properly and not embarrass him. Well, she seemed to go out of her way to embarrass him. On Reddit fans discussed the scenes they saw and they talked about her dad’s disappointment. The OP noticed, “He was so embarrassed Whitney was acting like a child competing with her niece.” In the replies, My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans talked about the absence of Babs, who could control her daughter. But she’s gone, and Whitney ruined her dad’s time with his pleasant extended family.

MBFFL Fans Slam Whitney’s Behavior

Speaking about Glenn Thore, a community member said, “I don’t think I’ve seen poor Glenn this ashamed of Whit before. He looks so lost without his beloved Babs who would put their embarrassing daughter in her place with her witty quips. My heart aches for this man.”

Citing Jaime’s grandfather, a follower wrote, “I was hoping for a nice relaxing time and Whitney turned it into a competition…I was…disappointed.”

This comment also arrived: “At times, when talking to the other family he looked pretty relaxed. Then when looking at NitWhit, the lights went out of his eyes. Maybe he’s finally realizing just how awful she really is.”

What do you think about all of this? Do you think that Whitney Way Thore acted like a juvenile and her nasty attitude seems like she’s jealous of her niece? What about Glenn Thore? Do you think he suddenly realized that his daughter isn’t a nice person? Would it have been a different scenario if Babs had been there to take her daughter down a peg or two? Share what you think in the comments below.

Check back soon for more updates on My Big Fat Fabulous Life. New episodes air on TLC on Tuesday nights at 9 PM Eastern time.

The post ‘MBFFL’ Glenn Thore Ashamed Of Jealous Whitney? appeared first on TV Shows Ace.