Clayton Echard Discredits Paternity Case With New Update, Evidence

Bachelor Clayton Echard gives another update on the paternity case against him. He has more evidence and he even has a Bachelor commentator, a YouTuber, backing him up. The story weirder as the allegations rage on. Keep reading to find out more about what new evidence is being presented.

Clayton Echard gives new update, discredits accuser more

Bachelor Clayton Echard gave a new update on the paternity allegations against him. He revealed that he and the woman making the claims took the paternity test initially. The results came back that there was little to no fetal DNA present. Clayton was ecstatic with the results.

The anonymous woman still claimed the results were not accurate. So, she was supposed to provide another sample to be retested. However, in Clayton’s newest update, he shared the other party never showed up for their repeat test.

Clayton also revealed that the woman had sent him an ultrasound that he found out was fake. He shared that the ultrasound was really from six years previous and not hers.

The story doesn’t end there. Two others have come forward and said that Clayton is correct, the ultrasound has been doctored and is six years old. Those two are Reality Steve and Dave Neal.

Dave Neal revealed to viewers that the video is doctored. He was able to overlap the two videos to show they were one and the same. He was quick to point out that this doesn’t mean this woman is not pregnant. However, it does show the ultrasound is not hers.

Dave also shared that this woman is saying she is pregnant with a girl and a baby boy. So far she has not provided solid proof of this. What she has done is threaten legal action against Dave Neal and Reality Steve as well as Clayton.

She told Dave she was sick and unable to provide the second sample for the DNA test. The woman making the allegations said she will be repeating the testing on Monday.

The allegations go back and forth

Dave Neal was also quick to point out that he had legally done nothing wrong. Plus, he’s not saying the woman is not expecting. He is simply saying the proof she is providing is not hers.

The story continues to get stranger and only time will tell if she is indeed pregnant with twins and if they are in fact Clayton Echard’s.

What do you think about these new developments? Is she telling the truth?

Stay tuned for more updates.

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