‘Gold Rush’: Rick Ness’ Ex-Fiancée Leese Has Message For Fans

Gold Rush star Rick Ness was MIA for Season 13. Originally, he said he was battling SAD (seasonal affective disorder). Now that Ness is back in the Yukon for Season 14 of the gold mining series, the reasons for his absence are many. He has admitted that he still suffered from trauma over the tragic loss of his mother to brain cancer. That means he was ignoring some serious depression which led to him snorting cocaine to help ease the pain.

Now, Rick’s former fiancée, Leese M. Arie is back. They had a mercurial relationship that played out on social media. Now, it seems that the fans have more questions than what Rick or Discovery is revealing.

What did she have to say?

Rick Ness Gold Rush – YouTubeRick Ness’ Ex-Fiancée Has A Message For Gold Rush Fans

Now that Rick Ness has returned to Gold Rush Season 14 for redemption, fans of the Discovery series want to know more. What is of big interest is his lost year of mining. According to a new Reddit post, Leese M. Arie shared a lengthy message to fans. This was shared as Rick’s ex-fiancée has private social media platforms.

Leese, who was engaged to Rick Ness a year ago, is no longer attached to him. But, based on her message, fans think that she has some inside information. Since the season began, she reports that she has “received a crazy amount of follow requests on IG and FB.” She also reports that her TikTok follow numbers have dramatically increased.

However, she also reveals she is not surprised at this dramatic increase. She believes that fans think that they will get more inside information on her pages. But, it seems that she would just rather tell people what she can and not have Looky Loos infiltrate her pages.

Moreover, Leese promises she will reveal what she can “and not mention things that can get me into legal trouble.”

Leese’s post – RedditLeese M. Arie Will Not Take Blame For Rick Ness Problems

One thing is for sure. Leese M. Arie will not take the blame for her ex. She shared that the Gold Rush star had these personal problems and addictions before they met. Leese insists that she had “absolutely nothing to do with the bad choices that Rick made while we were together.” Those bad choices included cheating on her.

Shockingly, she revealed that she became depressed and “contemplated suicide” because “he took me down a path of destruction.”

Moreover, she had spent seven weeks in a hospital in another state and fought for her life. She blames it on his infidelity. But, Leese M. Arie did not, or could not elaborate any further.

Rick Ness Gold Rush – YouTubeLeese Accuses Rick Ness Of Telling Scripted Version On Gold Rush

Rick Ness’ former fiancée insists that her account of this relationship is real but “legally can’t” say anything more. Also, she insists that she needs to tell her side of the story to clear her name.

Then, she accuses her Gold Rush star ex of not being authentic on Discovery. “As Rick got to tell his scripted version in front of millions on TV, I am telling my unscripted, raw, real story of reality through my social media platforms.”

Leese closed her statement, repeating that she tried to save him, but he “destroyed my name and reputation.”

Gold Rush fans, do you follow Leese M. Arie on social media? Do you think she has been treated unfairly? Share your opinion below.

The post ‘Gold Rush’: Rick Ness’ Ex-Fiancée Leese Has Message For Fans appeared first on TV Shows Ace.