Catelynn Lowell Shares Past Sexual Trauma, Mother’s Reaction

Teen Mom star Catelynn Lowell is sharing her past sexual trauma plus what her mother’s reaction to it was. It is no secret that she and her mom, April, have an up-and-down relationship. Now, Lowell is detailing what she went through as a child, which is absolutely horrifying. Read on for more details.

Catelynn Lowell Shares Past Sexual Trauma, Mother’s Reaction

When fans met Catelynn Lowell, she was a teenager getting ready to give her baby up for adoption. Along with her boyfriend, Tyler Baltierra, they were doing the unimaginable but together, they were in it with love. However, his dad was married to her mom and they were vehemently against the adoption. Fast forward to fourteen years later and more has been revealed about the couple. They both suffered a lot growing up, Tyler with his dad’s addiction and, as he shared, he was sexually abused as a kid.


He believes that this abuse led him to give their daughter, Carly up for adoption. Now, Catelynn is finally opening up about how she went through the exact same thing. According to Us Weekly, Catelynn shared her story on the recent Teen Mom reunion. Host Dr. Drew inquired if she had experienced the same thing as her husband and she admitted that she had. “[I was] probably like, 7 or 8 [years old]. That’s the first time [I] ever [said] it on camera. I’m 31 and I … never told my parents about it until recently. [I told my dad] and my mom.”

Catelynn Lowell-YouTube

So, how did Catelynn Lowell’s mother react? Dr. Drew wondered if this revelation had caused Cate’s mom to start abusing alcohol again. However, it was quite the opposite. “No, her response to me was — she said that I sounded dumb as f—k. And then she called me on the phone and she was wasted.” So, needless to say, there was no empathy from her mother when she finally came clean about what had happened. Since then, things have been awful between her and her family.

The ‘Toxic’ Bunch

A few months back, Catelynn Lowell’s brother, Nick came out with a bevy of accusations toward the couple. He claimed they were broke, that they were stealing from their children’s savings, and that Tyler was gay. Plus, he alleged that Catelynn calls their mother, April “toxic” therefore her mother got a tattoo of that word. It has taken a toll on Catelynn as she has previously struggled with her mental health. More so, she could not believe that her family would come out with such horrible things. Now, it seems she is taking her power back as she has been working out and feeling better.

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