‘RHOC’ The Truth Behind Tamra Judge Firing

What is the truth behind RHOC star Tamra Judge’s firing from the series after being a longtime housewife? She had been a fan favorite for saying whatever she felt like. More so, she had no filter and just let herself have fun. Then, she was gone but what is the real reason? Read on for more details.

RHOC The Truth Behind Tamra Judge Firing

Tamra Judge joined the RHOC in Season 3 and branded herself the hottest housewife in Orange County. At the time, she was in real estate and married to Simon Barney. She also had four children, the eldest one she struggled with. He did what he wanted when he wanted which caused issues between Tamra and Simon. Eventually, her marriage fell apart and she demanded a divorce. She moved on with Eddie Judge and they became hot and heavy, soon tying the knot. Sadly, after Season 14, Tamra was given the boot but asked back for Season 17.

Tamra- Instagram

Now, she is opening up about why she was canned. According to Distractify, it was a monetary issue. Back in 2020, after she was fired, Tamra spoke with Bravo’s Andy Cohen on Instagram. There, she had this to say to her boss: “I’m not cheap, Andy, and that’s why I got fired! I’m not going to go into detail, but I’m going through some difficult times right now, and it was best for me to step away so I can deal with it on my own.” So, was it money or a personal situation Tamra was dealing with?

Taylor Armstrong, Tamra Judge, Heather Dubrow-Instagram

Around the same time, her ex-husband, Simon was diagnosed with cancer which had rocked her family. So, it seems that maybe it was a mix of both. Clearly, after all of the seasons that she had been on the show, Tamra Judge commanded a certain amount per season. However, maybe Bravo was not willing to accommodate. Or, that was their way of rebooting the show and adding fresh faces. Now, she has returned to the RHOC but could her new stay be short-lived, as well?

Tamra Vs. Andy

During the final part of the RHOC reunion, Tamra Judge got really heated and that resulted in her lashing out at Andy Cohen. She did not like what Cohen had to say or what he was bringing up so she snapped: “But, we are not talking about that, so f***k off.” Additionally, she told him to be quiet which was not received well by viewers at all. They definitely felt that this spelled the end of her time on the show but time will tell if her popularity will overpower her reaction.

Are you happy that Tamra Judge is back or are you over her already? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

The post ‘RHOC’ The Truth Behind Tamra Judge Firing appeared first on TV Shows Ace.