Olivia Flowers Tells Austen Kroll He Makes Her ‘Want to Vomit’ After Taylor Ann Green Kiss

(Photo by: Charles Sykes/Bravo via Getty Images)

Are you watching Season 9 of Southern Charm? If not, allow me to catch you up. Austen Kroll remains unencumbered by a thought process and kissed Shep Rose’s ex-girlfriend Taylor Ann Green.

And guess what? Olivia Flowers is friends with Taylor, so she’s upset too. In fact, both Austen and Taylor chose to lie about their “kissing” when first questioned about the incident. In the most recent episode, Olivia got to tell Austen exactly how she feels about the situation – and honestly, she speaks for most of us.

Oh what a tangled web Austen weaves

Olivia finally had a chance to speak to Austen on the October 12th episode. Whether she wanted to do it or not remains in question. As the two sat together, Olivia probably could have used some Zofran.

“I don’t need to hear anything from you,” Olivia began. Same, sis, same. While Austen and Olivia broke up a year ago, she probably didn’t need both her ex and her buddy lying to her.

Austen said, “I’m sorry that I’m the last person to talk to you. I would have loved to talk to you sooner.” Some people live and learn, Austen just lives. “I just want to know what I can do for us to go back to any sort of semblance of being normal,” he added.

But Olivia wasn’t really into hearing from muppet-mouth Austen after such a long time. “It’s been, I think we can say months, since we’ve really chatted. Why is it now that you decide to have this kumbaya moment of how we can get back on track,” she asked him.

“We’re farther away from being friends now than we ever have been,” Olivia continued. As Austen continued to miss the point, Olivia explained, “I was more bummed and disappointed [about] how you handled things with us as friends than romantically.” With all due, Olivia could have watched any number of Bravo shows to see how being with Austen would play out.

The Taylor of it all …

Then the Taylor rumors started swirling. “Not only that — are we [now] not friends and not talking and we’re dodging each other at bars — but now I’m finding out bulls—t about Taylor,” she said.

Austen made a feeble attempt at saying how he longed for a friendship with Olivia, but she shut him down. “If you were a friend this wouldn’t be the first f—king time I’m hearing about you and f—king Taylor kissing. Do not talk to me about being a friend. You don’t know the definition of a friend.” Fair point, Shep would probably agree.

“It takes a lot for me to genuinely want nothing to do with a person. That’s where I’m at with you,” Olivia added for good measure. Despite being in a relationship with Shep, Olivia was surprised Taylor couldn’t “see what kind of person” Austen is. But then again, Taylor dated Shep.

Ultimately, Olivia had enough of the conversation and Austen. “Literally talking to you makes me want to vomit. Respectfully,” she said. I’m sure a lot of people feel that way about Austen, respectfully.

Southern Charm airs on Bravo Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET.


Maybe you can fix what isn’t broken.

Jax says his plane drama revolved around his need for sleep.

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