Real Housewives of Orange County Season 17 Winners and Losers

Andrew Eccles/Bravo via Getty Images

Real Housewives of Orange County Season 17 just wrapped. This cast will all return for Season 18, so clearly, many things were done right. However, with what felt like never-ending games of telephone, where the messages were never quite accurate, it was still messy. While some of the RHOC Season 17 cast members came out on top as winners this season, others struggled with accountability, and might need a seat with the losers in time-out.

Jennifer Pedranti – Winner Jesse Grant/Bravo via Getty Images

In her very first season on Bravo, newcomer Jennifer Pedranti more than earned her full-time orange. When Jennifer joined the cast, she was met by her friend and returning series regular, Tamra Judge. However, Tamra failed to behave like a friend. She actually spent most of this season trying to bring down Jennifer’s boyfriend, Ryan Boyajian.

Ryan has cheated, so we can understand wanting what’s best for her friend. However, Tamra went in hard, exposing Jennifer’s romance on-air for the entire world to see, and then judge. Like the winner that she is, Jennifer remained calm and cool. She then collected Tamra right back at the reunion, where she pointed out Tamra’s own cheating past.

When not battling her “friend,” we saw glimpses into Jennifer’s life. A yoga studio owner, mother of five, and an advocate for fostering children and animals, with an adopted son counted amongst her tribe, Jennifer was a breath of fresh air. For her heart and her ability to shut down haters and hold her own in tough rooms, we applaud Jennifer’s inaugural season, and are happy that this winner is returning for RHOC Season 18.

Tamra Judge – Loser Jesse Grant/Bravo via Getty Images

On one hand, Tamra brings the drama, which helps to make this series entertaining. On the other hand, her antics sometimes go too far. Not only did Tamra meddle in Jennifer’s relationship, she also gossiped about Shannon Beador‘s rocky romance with John Janssen, and poked fun of Heather Dubrow‘s acting career. In each instance, she lied when caught, and on Heather’s, she even remained silent as Taylor Armstrong took the fall.

Tamra even snapped at Andy Cohen during the reunion, as Andy attempted to call out her pot stirring ways. Her balls were huge this year, likely in an effort to secure another season on-air. The best part of this season for us, however, was the editors, as in each instance, they rolled back footage, proving that Tammy Sue was in the wrong.

Hopefully, Tamra will pop several of her CBD pills to help her calm tf down, so that she can return with less loser-like behaviors.

Gina Kirschenheiter – Winner Andrew Eccles/Bravo

We were on the fence with Gina Kirschenheiter until the RHOC Season 17 reunion aired. This showing cast Gina in a winning light, as she held her own against her costars. Gina is just one of those cast members who continues to show growth each and every season. In her earlier years, Gina received a DUI, but she has since gotten sober…while also finally getting her hair together.

In addition to her epic calling out of Shannon’s messy behaviors during the reunion, Gina also apologized to Jennifer for going so hard on the defense when the topic of cheating arose. Finally, Gina was one of the few cast members who supported and backed Heather when Heather was standing alone amongst a sea of hate. Gina has finally found her voice, and she is on a winning streak.

Only time will tell if Gina can pull her bestie Emily Simpson over to her side, as Emily basically left us feeling meh this season.

Shannon Beador – Loser Phillip Faraone/Getty Images

Shannon struggled this season, not only with her co-stars but also, it seemed, internally. Whenever she was called out for her behaviors, Shannon blamed a lack of memory, typically due to her excessive consumption of alcohol. Just like with Tamra, the editors stayed busy, replaying Shannon’s disturbing comments and “forgotten” truths.

In an instance where her words went too far, Shannon alleged that Gina was going to loose her children to Child Protective Services over her DUI. This was gross, and Gina appropriately tore her apart at the reunion. As the reunion pointed out, just after its taping, Shannon herself was arrested for a DUI. Hopefully the rumors of Shannon entering into rehab are true, as we’d love to see her return as a winner.

Heather Dubrow – Winner Andrew Eccles/Bravo

Heather is an acquired taste, but we love her as we like nice things. She is the perfect mix of humor and poise, which couples well with her out-of-touch, obscenely wealthy lifestyle. For this series, Heather is perfect, and during RHOC Season 17, Heather was at her best yet.

As Season 17 rolled on, several of Heather’s castmates seemed to be on a take-down mission. Knowing this, Heather kept many of her storylines close to her cuff. However, as the jealousy crept in and the words flew, Heather remained composed, which made her co-stars seem all the more unhinged.

Overall, Heather was our top winner for RHOC Season 17, and we hope to see our beloved Fancy Pants treated much kinder during her next go round.


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The post Real Housewives of Orange County Season 17 Winners and Losers appeared first on Reality Tea.