Sai De Silva Once Evicted From NYC Apartment for Failure To Pay Rent

(Photo by Cindy Ord/Getty Images for NYFW: The Shows)

Sai De Silva seemed to have been cast in the inaugural season of The Real Housewives of New York City reboot because of her glamorous lifestyle. She was the perfect fit as a mom and influencer holding court in her swank Brooklyn brownstone.

However, as Sai has reminded viewers time and time again, she had a difficult childhood growing up in a poverty-stricken family. As it turns out, she might’ve also had some money struggles as an adult. Documents show that Sai was once evicted from a Manhattan apartment. She owed over $12,000 in back rent and fees.

Sai owed some big money!

The Sun obtained documents that outline Sai’s allegedly delinquent rent for a Manhattan studio apartment in the Kips Bay neighborhood. Thankfully, the docs are from all the way back in 2009. The RHONY star was served with a warning notice in August of that year that eviction proceedings would begin if she didn’t pay up.

Sai sited an issue with a sublease agreement as the reason for her non-payment. She also said she planned to pay the $12,185.60 balance in full by February 2010. She wanted to renew the lease. An attorney representing the building claimed Sai also owed $1,000 for legal fees and would be on the hook for February’s rent. That amounted to $2,008.17.

As of mid-February 2010, Sai had paid about $5,500 toward her debt. She asked permission to move her stuff out and was finally able to do so that March. It’s unclear if or when she settled her debt.

Things sure have changed for Sai since 2009

Sai and her husband, David Craig, now live in a beautiful $4.7 million townhome in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn. It has a beautiful kitchen, which is great since one of the few topics in Sai’s season-long repertoire has been her CONSTANT NEED TO EAT. Her other hits include “I DON’T CARE,” asking people to open up and then criticizing what they say when they do, and just general shrill screaming about things that aren’t worthy of being screamed about.

You can catch Sai probably being a mean girl when Part 1 of the RHONY reunion airs on Sunday, October 22 at 9/8c on Bravo.


Maybe you can fix what isn’t broken.

“Happy birthday, bitch! F*ck you!”

Recaps Debbie 6 hours ago

All the reason Jessel Taank is the new queen of RHONY.

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