The Buccaneers: trailer

A trailer has dropped for period drama The Buccaneers inspired by Edith Wharton’s unfinished final novel of the same name, coming to Apple TV+. The new eight part drama from creator Katherine Jakeways stars Kristine Frøseth, Alisha Boe, Josie Totah, Aubri Ibrag, Imogen Waterhouse, Mia Threapleton, alongside Christina Hendricks. Girls with money, men with power….

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The Irrational Recap: Hidden in Plane Sight

Let’s kick off this Irrational recap, Jeopardy! style. Answer: Crash and burn. Question: What is an apt description of Alec’s prospects when it comes to a second chance at love with his ex-wife? Don’t worry if you got it wrong: The judges also would have accepted “What is this episode’s Case of the Week?” A…

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