All Rise Season 3 Episode 15 Review: Say Something

All Rise has covered some thought-provoking cases in their final season, but this was the most topical case. Almost everyone related to this case, whether you were a parent or were bullied as a child. Bullying has become far too prevalent in schools, making many of us emphasize with Jim Evans’s predicament in All Rise…

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Saturday 14 October 2023

Report: Daily Free-to-Air Share Channels: All Free-to-Air Channels Market: 5 City Metro (aggregate figure) Demographics: Total People Day-part: 18:00 – 24:00 Day: Saturday Deliverable: Overnight, Consolidated 7 and Consolidated 28 Channel Overnight Consolidated 7 Consolidated 28 14/10/2023 7/10/2023 16/9/2023 ABC TV 15.1% 15.9% 13.7% ABC Kids/ABC TV Plus 2.4% 3.4% 2.2% ABC ME 0.3% 0.4%…

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