13 Terrifying TV Shows

For the longest time, people sought out films at the movie theater to be scared out of their minds.

These 13 TV shows prove that television can be scary, too.

We’re willing to bet at least one of them will raise the hairs on the back of your neck!

1. The X-Files (FOX)

From aliens to conspiracies to so much more, the truth is out there. So is the fear factor. After a recent rewatch, what was the most terrifying about The X-Files was how much of the series leaned heavily into the government’s actions (or inaction). The aliens seemed like pussycats by comparison. You can watch the full series on Hulu. (Photo Credit: Key art courtesy of FOX)
2. The Walking Dead (AMC)

Zombies. Blood. Violence. Death. Who knew at the beginning of the franchise that the really terrifying aspect would be the humans left among the dead? There’s nothing worse than an intelligent monster, and most of those are, unfortunately, of the human variety. You can watch The Walking Dead in its entirety on Netflix. (Photo credit: Key art courtesy of AMC)
3. Black Mirror (Netflix)

Technophobes beware. This one is for you. Black Mirror examines the horrors of life as technology infiltrates our everyday world. Technological advances blur the line between AI and humanity daily, and Black Mirror is here to show us the error of our ways. Black Mirror is available on Netflix. (Photo credit: Key art courtesy of Netflix)
4. Harper’s Island (CBS)

Harper’s Island took us to the scene of a gruesome series of murders. It aired in 2009 and killed off wedding guests one by one. You know those shows that are just so good that you have to pinch yourself while watching? This was one of those shows. It was so good that you can’t even find it on a streaming service. Illogical and painful. But you can buy it on Amazon or iTunes, so bright side? (Photo credit: Key art courtesy of CBS)
5. Supernatural (The CW)

Supernatural. Come for the two attractive hunters. Stay for the shocking deaths and suspense, but more importantly, the mythology and the long-running recurring characters that give Sam and Dean Winchester purpose. There will never be another long-running show like it. Guaranteed. All 15 (FIFTEEN!!) seasons are available on Netflix. (Photo credit: Key art courtesy of The CW)
6. American Horror Story (AMC)

Haunted houses. Murderous Nazis. Scary aliens. Vengeful witches. Circus freaks. The list goes on and on. Some seasons were far more successful than others, but you can, at the very least, count on being extremely uncomfortable while watching. All seasons are available to stream on Hulu. (Photo credit: Logo courtesy of AMC)

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