Found Season 1 Episode 3 Spoilers: Sir Turns Against and Manipulates Gabi

When someone goes missing, the least they can hope for is that it is noticeable and action is being taken.

For many lost people, the first group to notice they went missing is family, whether a spouse, children, parents, or extended family.

But what happens when you don’t have anyone to notice? What happens when, for whatever reason, people who are supposed to care are not available?

Spoilers for Found Season 1 Episode 3 tease such a case when an unlikely party puts Gabi and her team on a missing person’s case.

Finding a Missing Widower

It is quite possible for someone who enjoyed great social connections throughout their life to find themselves lonely.

As one gets older, the likelihood of that happening increases. As someone loses the energy to maintain relationships, they can fade away.

Sadly, people also lose their loved ones when they die, which can end many.

The episode sees Gabi and her team take on such a case when an elderly widower goes missing.

Because he is a widower, they don’t have a spouse to notice that they went missing, and it’s unclear whether they had children. And even if they did, children grow up and move on with their lives.

But some people care for us even when they might not know us. They see us frequently and know our patterns even if we don’t have a close relationship with them.

It can be the shopkeeper we buy from often or the bartender at our favorite bar.

For Reggie Moore, our missing widower, the person is the doorman at Reggie’s building, Cliff.

Cliff sees the comings and goings of Reggie, and after not seeing Reggie for a while, he thinks something is off.

That’s when he contacts Mosley and Associates and puts them on the case.

It is a race against time to find Reggie because their investigation reveals that he might be in mortal danger.

Everyone focuses on their area of expertise to help find Reggie and bring him home safe and sound.

Will they succeed? We’ll have to tune in and see.

A Look into Margaret’s Past

Found has a sizeable cast ensemble, and based on the past two episodes of Found Season 1, the show aims to give each a backstory as the season progresses. Found Season 1 Episode 1 painted broadly on all characters, while Found Season 1 Episode 2 focused on Dhan and Zeke.

In our interview with Found creator Nkechi Okoro Carroll, she confirmed that they will be doing that exactly as the season progresses.

The episode teases some focus on Margaret as we revisit her past relationship that went to the dogs.

It was a very important relationship, so it’s crucial that she repairs it.

It’s unclear who the relationship is with, so we’ll have to tune in to see.

Sir Revolts Against Gabi

Gabi keeping Sir in her basement was a shocker.

Even as shocking as Gabi had been using Sir to help solve cases after seeing their dynamics, there was more to the relationship than Gabi was letting on.

Gabi uses Sir’s sick, twisted mind to figure out what a kidnapper would do, but the answers don’t come easy because he can just say no, like he did in Jinny’s case.

The episode sees Sir’s antics escalate as he and Gabi engage in a tug-of-war over who holds the higher ground in the relationship.

Sir thinks he’s in control, while Gabi does the same.

But for all his stubbornness, Sir proves useful in Reggie’s case when he reveals that whoever kidnapped Reggie is unstable.

That revelation changes things because the stakes are upped. By her own understanding, Gabi knows that unstable people are more likely to kill their victims.

But with Sir, nothing comes easy. He leads Gabi to believe he helped her, but what if he was working on a plan and working Gabi? What if he was manipulating her?

The consequences of falling for the tricks of someone like Sir are too big to fathom because if there was anything he had proven, he had no boundaries as far as he could go to get what he wanted.

He kidnapped two young girls and held them captive for a year. Who says he can’t kill a grown woman or two?

Gabi Revisits the Past

What happened in the past is a huge part of what Gabi does.

Episodes flashback regularly to her time with Sir and how that influences or informs her decisions.

Her time with Sir might have been the most defining period of her life, but some was also spent with Bella, who now goes by Lacey.

Despite their shared history, Gabi and Bella didn’t seem to have that close of a relationship or didn’t want to appear close.

They were hiding a mutual secret, but Gabi also had a secret of her own that she would prefer nobody know, least of all Lacey.

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The episode sees Gabi revisit her time with Lacey, and she realizes something that might change how they interact.

“Missing While Widowed” promises to be thrilling with many twists and Dhan with the action.

Let us know what you’re excited about the most based on these spoilers.

Catch the episode live this Tuesday at 10 p.m. on NBC and our review right after.

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