Nimble Streamer: Cost-Efficient Streaming Software

Furtree Systems, a leader in livestreaming media server software that recently hosted a Streaming Media magazine survey on livestreaming trends, offers three levels of its award-winning Softvelum Nimble Streamer. The basic Nimble Streamer server provides two key elements that survey respondents ranked high in their key requirements: livestreaming/transmuxing and video-on-demand (VOD) features.

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The Streaming Media 100 at IBC 2023

With IBC taking place September 15-18, just before the eagerly anticipated unveiling of this year’s Streaming Media 100, which recognizes the 100 companies that matter most in this industry, I had the chance to surprise a number of deserving honorees with their awards, live and in person on the show floor.

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View from the Top: Wowza Media Systems

Today’s streaming industry growth is being fueled by both increased demand for traditional OTT streaming as well as expansion into new corporate and creator use cases. These latter use cases in particular are driving providers like Wowza to adapt and make video streaming more accessible through easier, more affordable, and more flexible implementations.

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A View From the Top: EZDRM

At EZDRM, we emphasize a strong collaborative aspect to problem solving. Innovation and ease of use have always been hallmarks of our solutions for service operators. As the range of video applications and business challenges grows, we think that it is timely to re-emphasize those values within a more complete media solution architecture – an…

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