5 TV Shows to Watch After a Busy Study Day

After hours of rigorous studying, one’s mind can often feel overloaded, yearning for a refreshing break. Intensive reading, taking notes, and solving problems can certainly sharpen the intellect, but they also have a knack for sapping one’s mental energy. It’s essential, therefore, to have a way to recharge, to let the brain wander into realms…

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Hey kids, get off Marty Scorsese’s lawn

There’s a new Martin Scorsese movie coming out, so of course it’s time for another round of the esteemed filmmaker’s King Lear-like rants against Marvel Entertainment and superhero movies as an existential threat to the art of cinema, Western civilization, and the very act of moviegoing itself. In a recent GQ interview Read more…

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TV Ratings for Sunday 15th October 2023

Each Day, at 4pm GMT, the daily ratings post will automatically go live. Afterwards, and as early as 4pm GMT, the early overnight Total Viewers and 18-49 Demo numbers will be added into the table below. Please see the “About the Daily Ratings” section at the end of this article for more details. Below is…

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