All Rise Season 3 Episode 15 Spoilers: Emily Defends a Father Who Pushed His Daughter’s Bully

There is no partying this week because it’s time for tissues and thinking caps.

We’re nearly halfway through All Rise’s final batch of episodes, and the series has done an excellent job of balancing fun group scenes with cases that make you think.

These latest episodes have been the strongest in many ways, which I wonder is because they knew it was ending and had time to prepare.

All Rise Season 3 Episode 15 features two important cases and some lighthearted scenes of Mark and Luke on a road trip to balance out the seriousness.

I’d recommend preparing yourself for these cases since they tackle two serious topics — bullying in schools and racism in schools.

Emily’s Hardest Case

Emily defends a distraught father, played by Sweet Magnolias’ Brandon Quinn.

He’s horrified that his daughter has been bullied and that the school barely did anything to help. He insists he never meant to harm the other student and only wanted him to get away from his daughter.

This case will touch anyone who is a parent or has been bullied. I don’t want to spoil too much, except that it was some of Quinn’s most emotional scenes, and Jessica Camacho shined, too.

The case examines how far a parent should go if the school doesn’t step in and the grey line between moral and legal. Many of us would relate to him as parents, but the law wasn’t on his side.

Coming Together

The child bullying case affects everyone, including both lawyers and Lola, who urges them to make a plea agreement.

It’s all about change, though. Should a parent surrender and admit defeat when the school did practically nothing?

But, if he goes to trial, he could still lose and be apart from his daughter for years, and he was only trying to protect her, so that defeats the purpose.


Besides bullying, Amy tackles an anti-discrimination case where a Christian college doesn’t want to teach Black history because they were trying to be historical and biblical. It’s her first case in the Court of Appeals, and this case touches many nerves.

Isn’t Black history a vital part of our American history, and therefore, shouldn’t it be part of the education curriculum?

Just like the bullying case, this case will make you think. It challenges you to consider whether allies only look at the improvements or if they really listen to African Americans’ complaints about being heard and wanting change.

People want change, and communities and the judicial system can fix it.


Everyone’s personal lives are blowing up, too. Lola received some threatening photos revealing her relationship with Andre.

Lola has worked so hard to repair her and Robin’s marriage, so she doesn’t need anyone else interfering and making it worse. Who would want to hurt Judge Carmichael?

Is it an old rival, jealous of her newfound success, or an angry person she sent to prison? There’s always the chance it’s personal, and Rachel is toying with them after everything that happened.

Whoever did it ruined Lola’s image, and Lisa Benner is determined to turn that around quickly.

Cementing Friendships

Both the anti-discrimination case and receiving threatening photos put Lola on edge, and Lisa Benner is there. We haven’t seen their friendship highlighted this much in a long time, so fans will be in for a treat.

Seeing Lola and Lisa debate cases is a treat, even when disagreeing.

We’re also gifted with seeing Mark and Luke’s disasters on a road trip to a work seminar. These two banter like brothers, but they’re nervous that their friendship will change when Mark gets married.

Will Luke mention the pregnancy scare to his buddy when he realizes Mark also wants a family someday?

Can Luke and Emily’s Relationship Survive?

Luke and Emily have dated off and on since All Rise Season 1, and they’ve never discussed having kids until Emily had her pregnancy scare in All Rise Season 3 Episode 14. That’s unrealistic to me.

Avid fans of theirs watched them go back and forth during All Rise Season 2 until they officially reunited in All Rise Season 3 Episode 10. Luke always assumed they would have a large family, while she doesn’t want children yet.

This is one of those fundamental relationship issues to disagree on. Could Luke be happy without kids as long as they had each other?

Emily works so well with children that part of me hopes she changes her mind, but I respect that not everyone wants children.

Luke looks like he has a lot to say but just doesn’t know how to say it ? #AllRise

— All Rise (@AllRiseOWN) October 12, 2023

“Say Something” covers such thought-provoking issues that demand people speak up and change. Some are personal issues, while others affect the general community.

This is an emotional episode for all of our characters, so bring tissues. Many relationships are at a crossroads. Will they make it to the other side? Stay tuned!

All Rise  Season 3 airs on OWN at 9/8c on Saturdays. Be sure to check in after the show airs to read our review.

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